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Glute Engagement Stage 4

Glute Engagement Stage 4

Glute Engagement Stage 4
1 - Weighted Squats
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1 - Weighted Squats

2 - Deadlifts
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2 - Deadlifts

3 - Straight Leg Deadlifts
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3 - Straight Leg Deadlifts

4 - Jump Lunges
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4 - Jump Lunges

5 - Step Up Front
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5 - Step Up Front

6 - Step Up Side
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6 - Step Up Side

7 - Bulgarians
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7 - Bulgarians

7 - Bulgarians x 2
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7 - Bulgarians x 2

8 - Courtesy Lunge Varied
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8 - Courtesy Lunge Varied

Glute Engagement Stage 4:


Aim: To achieve all compound movements with the ability to engage the glutes within the chain of movement.



- 1-2 times a week is recommended to create consistency. Sometimes your body forgets, so little and often helps create correct firing patterns.

-  Always remember to mobilise lower back and hip flexors first

-  You will experience muscle soreness 24-48 hours after, however you shouldn’t have back pain during exercises. This can often mean your back is over engaging and your glutes have switched off, or your technique is off.

-   Never go into weight training cold, or having sat at a desk for over 8 hours. Remember opening up the hip flexors is crucial.

-   Technique is important throughout compound weight training. We work with many Personal trainers within Guildford. If you have any questions regarding technique, please do not hesitate to call us.

-   Mobilise first! We have Hip and back mobility programs on our website, which we would recommend you do first.

-   With every exercise there is a variation to make them manageable for all abilities.

-   You could include stages 1 or 2 throughout the week, to encourage regular and correct engagement. Or if you are doing a weighted session, start with some gentle engagement first, to get your glutes firing.

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